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Mouth Cancer Action



Mouth Cancer Action

November is mouth cancer action month. Every year our team helps raise awareness and this year it was no different. This month we have carried out free mouth cancer screenings for everyone whether you are registered or not. Our staff have campaigned about being mouth aware by handing out literature to our patients, social media posts, mouth cancer awareness t-shirts and the #bluelipselfie. Thank you to Rugby Advertiser for our press release and for helping us raise awareness.

Many people have heard of cancer affecting the breasts or lungs but not many have heard of cancer affecting the mouth. In the UK the number of people diagnosed with mouth cancer increases to grow at an astonishing rate. Last year more than 8300 people were diagnosed with mouth cancer in the UK. Spotting mouth cancer early is crucial for beating the disease. For early diagnosis, it is important to be mouth aware and be aware of the signs and symptoms. Routine visits to a Dentist for a check-up is also important for visual screenings.

Anybody is at risk of mouth cancer.

The signs and symptoms of mouth cancer include:

  • A mouth ulcer which does not heal within three weeks
  • White and red patches in the mouth
  • Unusual bumps and swellings in the mouth, head or neck region
  • Any persistent ‘hoarseness’

The everyday choices we make can affect our chances of developing mouth cancer. Smoking significantly increases your risk of the disease. Find out what else can increase your risk at

A simple check can take less than one minute and could be life-saving! Book online for a dental examination to be assessed and screened.

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