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Boutique Whitening® in Coventry

Boutique Whitening® At Binley Woods Dentistry

‘Boutique Whitening’ is our take-home whitening kit and is a safe and effective way to lighten the natural colour of your teeth and enhance your smile, without removing or damaging the surface of your teeth. So why come to Binley Woods for teeth whitening? Legally, teeth whitening can only be carried out by a dental professional. It’s an evidence-based treatment that is totally safe and virtually pain-free. If your teeth and gums are generally healthy, it is likely that you’ll be a suitable candidate for teeth whitening – and at Binley Woods you will undergo a thorough consultation before treatment, to ensure teeth whitening is right for you.

Home teeth whitening is where you apply a special teeth whitening gel into a personally created gum shield or ‘tray’ and wear it overnight for 2 – 4 weeks. This is a convenient and more affordable alternative to combination teeth whitening, but it does take longer to achieve the results that you get with a combined home and in-surgery whitening system such as Enlighten.

Benefits of home teeth whitening

  • Whiter teeth look healthier
  • Greater confidence in your smile
  • Home teeth whitening is very convenient and simple. You can top up your teeth whitening at home at your convenience

How does it work?

The whitening gel comes in a syringe and is inserted into custom made thin, clear and comfortable trays, which are then worn for 4 hours or overnight – over a period of 2-4 weeks. The gel contains 10% carbamide peroxide (the whitening agent) and potassium nitrate as a desensitizer. This gel releases oxygen into the enamel of the teeth, which gradually whitens the teeth.

Am I suitable?

You will need to have an assessment first with your dentist to make sure you are suitable for treatment. Whitening can only lighten the colour of your natural teeth, it cannot change the colour of any fillings or ‘false’ teeth such as crowns, veneers and dentures.


Would you like whiter teeth? Give us a call on 02476 540 045 or click here to book an appointment and get a FREE CONSULTATION!


What is the teeth whitening agent?

The active chemical in the teeth whitening agent is carbamide peroxide. This gel releases oxygen free radicals (which whiten the teeth) over a longer period of time, due to its sustained release. This gradual approach will still give fantastic results, due to the length of time the gel stays active.

Why aren’t my teeth white?

Some people have naturally darker teeth. Your teeth can also be stained on the surface by food and drinks such as tea, coffee, red wine and blackcurrant. Smoking can also stain teeth. Tartar can also affect the colour of your teeth. Some people may have staining under the surface, which can be caused by certain antibiotics or by tiny cracks in the teeth which allow the stain to penetrate the teeth.

What are ‘personal whitening trays’?

Teeth whitening trays look like a gum shield or mouthguard. Your dentist will take an impression of your teeth and send this away to a dental laboratory so that they can use this as a mould to create trays that are designed for your teeth. This ensures that you have a perfect fit and that the whitening agent can be evenly administered onto your teeth without leakage.

Are there any side effects?

In a very small number of cases patients might find that their teeth become sensitive during or after the treatment. There could be discomfort in the gums, you might get a sore throat or tiny white patches on the your gums. These symptoms are usually temporary and disappear after a few days of the treatment finishing. The most frequent side effect is a small amount of sensitivity that your dentist can help you with by applying a desensitising gel on your teeth.

Contact us today to schedule your consultation and explore your options
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